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Map of the existing site, showing paths, seating, residence halls, congregation areas, vegetation, and travel routes

For this project, all initial site experiences were sketched out or jotted down on notebook paper. Notes generally tended to be about human activity or lack thereof, plant and animal species and sighting locations, and landscape issues (drainage problems, erosion, etc.)


Since the scale of the project was larger than anything I had worked on before, this kind of notetaking process proved to be extremely beneficial. By taking notes and making sketches by hand as opposed to merely snapping a photo I found that I was more attentive and focused.

However, this method was slightly more time consuming and I realized upon reviewing information that my shorthand and quick sketching technique had the potential to be misleading at times. I think that including photography alongside handwritten note taking/sketching could eliminate this uncertainty in the future.


Tools used in the classroom were the following: Photoshop, Illustrator, Microsoft Word

T  H  E    V  I  L  L  A  G  E

A    U    B    U    R    N        U    N    I    V    E    R    S    I    T    Y

The goal of this project was to examine the systems within The Village dormitories and work to create more successful, sustainable alternatives. My focus was on social navigation, or, in other words, how people experience the space as they move through it. This proposal called for close examination of ecological and social activity, microclimates, recreational zoning, and existing landscape features.  

O V E R V I E W :

The final proposal includes an extensive green space renovation as well as path reconstruction. Plant species have been chosen by the degree of support they provide for native butterflies and birds. Paths are redesigned to be more "natural," which means deviating from the traditional red and tan Auburn walkways and including a more curvilinear design with eco-freindly, permeable materials. 

G O A L :

R E S U L T :

Aerial view of The Village
Infrared map of Morning Microclimates
Infrared map of mid-day microclimates
Infrared map of microclimates in the late afternoon




Late Afternoon

Map of Wildlife Sightings
Vegetation map
Map of drains at The Village

Wildlife Sightings

Vegetation Corridors

Drainage Points

Map of the proposed site, showing residence halls, vegetation, travel routes, congregation areas, new gardens, rainwater collection systems, walkways, and seating

Existing Site

Proposed Site

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