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Image showing ferns in planters at the school building entrance
Rendering of inverted planters as a sculptural element in the LC2 lobby
Hand drawn diagram of the locations of the proposed vegetation areas

L E E  C O U N T Y  L E A R N I N G  C E N T E R

S  A  L  E  M  ,    G  E  O  R  G  I  A 

The most obvious thing I discovered when working with the students at LC2 was the advantage of working with the client versus working for the client. This collaborative effort taught me that good teamwork really is the key to success, especially when the client is such a diverse body of students. Working with each of them helped generate ideas, revealed resources and opportunities we’d have never recognized otherwise, and saved time. Since we could work together to reach our goal, the products were much more satisfying for everyone.


I realized that with the right amount of enthusiasm, teamwork, and motivation the most amazing things can be made from virtually nothing! This project not only helped make the LC2 school building a cooler, healthier space but also taught everyone involved that it is not hard to work together to go above and beyond.


Tools Used: Photoshop, GoogleMaps, Microsoft Word, Illustrator, InDesign, SketchUp, pen & paper

LC2 is an alternate school for students who are not on track to graduate because of medical issues, credit transfer problems, et cetera. It is the first of its kind in the state. There are twenty students and one principal who stands in as teacher. Instead of the traditional schedule, the school operates on a credit completion-based schedule. Because of this, they are free to come and go as they please, considering task deadlines. This innovative curriculum design has afforded the students with an opportunity to succeed. Every student has flourished, and many of them have already surpassed their classmates at their original schools! Since this idea is so new (the school opened in October of this year), a good learning space for the students has not yet been developed. The school is a tiny small brick building with no windows, no trees, and no colors but tan. Curriculum is 100% computer-based. Aside from interacting with each other during a fifteen-minute break and, periodically, their principal/teacher, they have no human contact. Our task was to transform the LC2 building into a place that fosters creativity, learning, and healthy lifestyle.

The proposal includes the construction of a vertical green wall, hanging vegetation, and indoor trees. Incorporating plants indoors is a cost-effective way of protecting ourselves from volatile organic chemicals off-gassed by building materials and fabrics. These chemicals can include known cancer-causing agents such as formaldehyde, perchloroethylene, benzene, etc. Having a planted room significantly promotes improved air quality, reduces stress, increases productivity, increases atmospheric comfort (humidity), and shows students that keeping the environment in mind is easy.

O V E R V I E W :

G O A L :

R E S U L T :

Blueprint of the LC2 school building, provided by the Lee County Learning Center
Infographic of the benefits of having interior plants. Discussion points include the following: improved air quality, stress reduction, increased productivity, and more comfortable rooms.
Diagram of how an inverted hanging plant works
Digital rendering of air plants hanging in the windows of the computer room
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